My boyfriend Jordan has spent the last couple months organizing a local band love song compilation and concert called "Placerday in Valenville". (if anyone wants to buy a CD let me know and I will set up a listing on my etsy for ya.) The title of the album is a word-play on our town Placerville and Valentine's day. All proceeds go to the non-profit organization, The Center for Non- Violent Relationships. So I expected him to be a little Valentined out... BUT....
I went over to his house and gave him a little flourless fudge cake from the bakery I work at and a flannel shirt I thrifted for him... a few days ago when I went to a thrift store a little further from home then I normally go ((The Salvation Army in Auburn, Ca)).
Jordan and I spent the day, first by getting snacks at our favorite little local grocery store called Noah's Ark and then going to three different thrift stores where I found the coolest little rug for my bedroom that has swans on it and two dresses from the 70s for my etsy shop. We went out for a late lunch to try to escape the dinner crowds (didn't really work) at our little sushi spot in town, American Ichi. It was so good too, we got some appetizers we normally don't get. And then we went and saw True Grit. I don't know why it's still in the theater, but I had wanted to see it since it first came out. Anyways... it was so good. I just heard that the girl in it is Jerry Seinfield's daughter. But she was so headstrong and really had true grit! Oh, and then we went home and cuddled, ate cake, and fell asleep to the Pixar movie, Despicable Me which was actually super cute. I am a happy girl!!!
Heya Chels- Cute post! I want to see that rug!
I totally looked up the actress from True Grit and she isn't Jerry Seinfeld's daughter- her last name is actually Steinfeld... 15000 girls auditioned for that part and she got it totally through her GRIT (or something). She was unknown before!
Anyhoo, I'm gonna add your blog to my bloglist- Happy thrift hunting and February snows!
Hey Adie!! Some lady told me that was Jerry Seinfield's daughter and I didn't even google it and even thought to myself she kinda looks like Jerry! HA... Anyways...15000 girls oh my! She was a great choice I thought. And Its much cooler that she was unknown! Look at me spreading rumors!!!
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