Thursday, August 5, 2010


I think my rooster is a hen.  No cocks about it.  Huh.

I am obsessed with hair and braids lately, besides chickens.  My favorite is the fishbone braid.

Also... here's how to do some cool braids.  Its really easy actually,
after some practice and I have really long hair which works well. 

I also realize I love braiding other people's hair.  I braided my mom's hair into a fishtail braid yesterday.

Here's me with my afro headed chickie, we named Bouffant after the other hairstyle.

Here's Brigitte Bardot with Bouffant's namesake:
One more fancy braid ♥


1 comment:

moonshinejunkyard said...

i am going to have to try these. i am the WORST at doing should see my "french braid" today (so gross and lumpy and already falling out). i have to cover the whole damn mess with a scarf. sometimes i think what's the point of having long hair if you can't do rad stuff with it. and i can't. anyway i like the little how-to pics. your fishtail looks amazing by the way. also i LOVE your new photo up top; you always make the best headers.