Thursday, June 30, 2011

Away They Go!

Two of my very best friends and their baby moved to Germany on Wednesday.

My boyfriend, Jordan met Anthony while working with him at the local venue and hub of our little town, Cozmic Cafe.  Anthony and Jordan both love to rap and I got to know Anthony better when they began working on a recording project together with a few other close friends called, Oaks.  Many late nights, writing they would spend, while I made jewelry or sewed trying to soak in some of their crazy, creative energy.  Anthony is also one of my brother's best friends.  The summer we had that apartment Anthony met his love and native German, Livia.  Livia is the sweetest, and became a fast friend to me with her smile that fills her whole face and her sweet voice and cute accent.

Not too long after they fell in love they found out they were pregnant and had a beautiful wedding.  I love this picture of them.  Livia is holding a wedding gift, a quartz crystal in front of her big round baby belly.  They have always had so much faith in each other.  They knew from the beginning that they were to go on this life's journey together.  

Livia had their baby at home with a midwife and sweet, little Lian was born a big boy, 9+ pounds!  When Anthony told the birth story he was so amazed by his wife and her strength!  She's very inspiring to me.

The first time I met baby Lian I took this picture.

Livia, who teaches German at one of the local high schools went back to work and Anthony stayed home with Lian.  Livia pumped her breast milk and also Anthony would take the baby to be fed during Livia's breaks!  Here is Lian with his mama's milk pumped for him!  What a lucky boy.

I feel so lucky to be able to have been apart of Lian's first year.  He's getting so big.  Here are two pictures of me with Lian, the first one around Christmas and the second one very recent.

They will have a lot of opportunities in Germany.  Their little boy will be bilingual.  Livia will be close to her mom.  Teaching wages are higher and housing is less expensive.  They are excited and ready for a change.  I'm happy for them.  But I miss them already.  Its hard to see good friends go so far away... but hopefully a trip to Germany is in store!!!   

1 comment:

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