Sunday, July 24, 2011

Life and Times!

I want to write letters.  I remember when I was younger I lived in an apartment and a girl across the hall's mail would get put in my box accidently.  They were always beautiful, colorful, drawn, splattered, and love made envelopes.  I want to write letters like that and get letters like that.  Want to?

So, I worked a stupidly long day today.  But I have tomorrow off so thank the gods.

I went to Yosemite a few days before three people were swept away by a waterfall.  Yosemite felt like an amusement park.  I really didn't like it.  Its amazinging beautiful, but also something else.  I felt bad for the animals, the deer getting fed bread by fat little children.

My boyfriend turns 27 tomorrow.

Amy Winehouse died yesterday, along with a local guy with addiction issues in my hometown.  It hurts my heart, but also I hope these souls find power and peace in their next venture in time and space.

Times are weird and if I have to deal with one more fucking customer that doesn't know what size coffee they want after waiting in line for a half hour, something will happen to me.  For better or worse.

1 comment:

moonshinejunkyard said...

i love this post. i quoted you on my own blog. i am reading a book that is kind of about yosemite, about that ranger who went missing. it is fascinating. he grew up in yosemite in the 50s and it was already becoming a total amusement park of tourists. darin and i haven't ever even gone there together. every time we are thinking about it we go, it's gonna be sooooo crowded and decide not to. but i want to do some hiking around the eastern side. i don't even have much desire to go down in the valley unless i could figure out how to escape the crowds.

by the way i have a whole post coming about The Same River Twice. i am OBSESSED> it is incredible and heartfelt and so fun to watch. thanks so much. i am buying it for myself too!

see you soon i hope.