Thursday, January 12, 2012

Earl Grey with Honey & Milk

Oh man, its been too long.  I feel like I'm sitting down for a cup of tea with a friend I desperately need to catch up with!

Well update on kittens: They all found perfect sweet homes except for sweet little Olive!  My roommate and I decided to keep her and she has become besties with Galaxy.

I cannot get over how big she is already!  And such a beauty.  She's feisty and mischeivious and I never know where she is!  She's not hiding, she's sneaky!  
And she plays coy with those fox ears and big eyes!

I can't believe how fast they grow!  Galaxy brings so much fun to my etsy shoots.  Running around curious, climbing trees and meowing at me.  Following me every where.  I have to show her climbing and tree hugging abilities off :)  I'm such a proud mama.

For Christmas we went to Washington state to visit my boyfriend's parents.  They got me some really neat gifts including these gorgeous boots!

And Jordan and I spent about 100 photo booth pictures goofing off with Dodger their sweet pooch.

Basically, the holidays were good.  I missed spending them with my family and wish everyone lived closer.  A big New Year's resolution of mine is to spend more time making contact with my family.  Even if it's just through facebook or texts... I really want them to know I think about them all the time and love them dearly!  Family is so important, and I think I have really just recently understood how important.  I always have made my friends a priority and I feel in the past, haven't put the deserved energy into my fam.  Anyways, I'm already doing better!

Ha, my posts are always about cats... sheesh.

1 comment:

mo marie said...

Chelsea those boots are awesome!! I'm such a sucker for winter boots. Gus will never understand my collection. Love the pics of the kitties and the awesome one of you and Jordan at the end! So freaking cute!! Miss you to bits and hope to catch up with you when i return from this road trip.
love you.