Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fairy Caves

I spent today doing a little etsy shoot.  I decided to use some unexplored areas of the acreage in Northern California that I live on.  There is this one spot that back during the gold rush, had been used as a camping spot by miners.  They moved all the rocks to one side, either for camping reasons or in the prospect of gold mining.  It's really bizarre.  It looks like a prairie of rocks.
There's lots of little crevices and spaces... places for animals to make tunnels and underground kingdoms.  Fairy caves.  Deer and bigger animals don't even try to scale the rocks.  Why when there is grassy flatland surrounding?

The sun was doing magical things to my photos.

Each rock is so different.  Some mossy.  Like sacred geometry, a map to something super natural.
And then I followed around my chick chicks, calling there names and feeding them leftover brown rice.

I was alone except for my pets and my haunted rocks most of the day. 

1 comment:

moonshinejunkyard said...

what an amazing place. your descriptions of it make it all the more magical and i love those rays of sun.