Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lazy Day

I was off work today and my boyfriend is out of town. Real days off, usually mean work on my etsy, thrift store shop, grocery shop, give the cats kisses and take pictures of them being cute, check my facebook a hundred times, and snack all day long.  And yep, that was what basically went on today. 

I put on not a trace of make up.  I did brush my hair though, even though it doesn't look like it.  I had enough down time today to contemplate a hair cut.  I will do it on the full moon.  It will most likely just be a trim, unless I have an identy crisis between then and now.

I just made some pesto in my food processor from organic basil that was given to me at the farmer's market, because it was "gonna go bad."  Obviously I was stoked and even froze some for a fast meal at a later date.  Doing things like that make me feel efficient and like I'll be a good mom someday.

I got some Tom's shoes.  I love them.  They are comfy, go with everything, and are cute enough.  Plus, they give kids that need shoes a pair for you buying a pair.  I usually only thrift store shop, yard sale shop, and vintage shop, but I decided since I needed something like this and a kid gets some shoes, I was down with it.  Not to sound perfect or anything either, because I occasionally buy something from other places...
Welp.  With that I am gonna peace out.  Goodnight!

white tank: clothing swap
lace vest: thrifted, children's section
cut offs: thrifted
necklace: gift from my Aunt Jeri
toms: Blue Skies, a shop on mainstreet in Placerville, CA

1 comment:

moonshinejunkyard said...

you are gorgeous and yes i do think you're gonna make an amazing mama one day. can't wait ;) also i am very glad to hear that blue skies sells tom's. i think i want to save up for a pair, for the same reasons as you. i like the way they look too, simple and practical. oddly, that's how i roll with shoes. just not clothes. hope to see you soon! kiss those beauty kitties for me :)